Germany‘s Federal Statistical Office
Contracts in the German construction industry in 2008:
down 4.4% in real terms compared to the previous year
As Germany’s Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports, in 2008 the total price-adjusted value of orders received by building construction and civil and underground engineering enterprises with 20 and more employees in Germany was down 4.4% compared to the previous year. In building construction demand decreased by 1.9%, in civil and underground engineering it decreased by 6.9%.
In the building construction and civil and underground engineering enterprises, an average of around 705 000 people were employed in 2008, that was a decrease of around 8 000 (–1.2%) compared to 2007. The total turnover in the respective price brackets reached around € 86.8 bill. in 2008 (+ 6.0% compared to 2007).
In December 2008, the total price-adjusted value of orders received fell by 11.8% compared to the same month in 2007. In building construction, demand was down 9.0%, and in civil and underground engineering down 14.9%. Totalling 697 000, the number of employees was 1.6% below the December 2007 level. At € 8.1 bill., the total turnover in the respective price brackets in December 2008 was 2.7% higher than in the same month of the previous year.