Building against the trend – architecture with clay bricks and roofing tiles

Under this banner, we, that is “Zi Brick and Tile Industry International” and our sister publication “DBZ Deutsche BauZeitschrift”, are joining forces to organize an Architecture Forum for the first time. For one whole day, everything will revolve around clay bricks and roofing tiles and their wide range of application.

On 7 December 2011 renowned architects and leading representatives of the industry will present their most interesting projects and innovations. Our partners, Creaton AG, CRH Clay Solutions GmbH, Gebrüder Schierstaedt Industriebeteiligungen KG, Deutsche Poroton GmbH and Röben Tonbaustoffe GmbH, want to work with us to convince architects of the great worth of clay bricks and roofing tiles.

The headline topics include sustained and resource-conserving construction, thermal insulation and energy-saving, feel-good climate and healthy housing, realization of architects’ ideas, prefabricated brick elements in line with customer requirements and photovoltaic solutions for the roof of the future.

We as trade journals want to use this forum to inspire architects to build with clay bricks, and to function as a common mouthpiece for the industry. Architects and other designers will be able to get first-hand, key information on clay bricks and roofing tiles as building materials, their wide range of potential uses and for their daily work in building design and realization. The event will cover the full circle from thermally insulating backing bricks through creative and economic facade design to energy-saving roofing. Remarkable brick building projects will be profiled to encourage architects to venture new things with this building material.

We are delighted that we have succeeded in setting up a common platform for clay bricks and roofing tiles. You can find the full programme and summaries of the presentations at

Naturally, we shall follow up the event with a dedicated report.



Anett Fischer

Editor of Zi Brick and Tile Industry International


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