Clemson Brick Forum celebrates 60th anniversary

This year’s Clemson Brick Forum has now informed attendees on current issues in the clay brick and tile sector for the 60th time. Despite various changes in this time, the Forum has always remained true to its mission of sharing knowledge. The program offered the 379 attendees again a broad range of presentations. Traditionally the evening events at the suppliers’ exhibition were used by the attendees to get to know each other and exchange experiences.

This year the Forum began on 29 September with two seminars. Susan Miller, Terry Schimmel and others talked on regulations concerning air pollution control, water pollution control, health and safety. Orientation for new personnel in brick plants, with a focus on firing was then provided by Jim Frederic, National Brick Research Center (NBRC), and Harold Newman, retiree and former Pine Hall Brick employee. In the late afternoon, the machine engineering company J. C. Steele & Sons, celebrating the company’s 125-year anniversary, invited attendees to “Burgers, Brats & Beer”. At the hospitality...

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