The two buildings in the shape of the letters “K” and “D”, built by the architects Arches from Vilnius, symbolize the new beginning and the opening...
The new plant for the Bannberscheid works of the Röben Tonbaustoffe GmbH was supplied by Keller HCW from Ibbenbüren. With this investment the factory...
The demographic and socio-cultural change in German society also has consequences for the country’s housing market. Various institutes have estimated...
On 3 November 1859 the first Hoffmann annular kiln went “on stream” in Scholwin (now Skolwin) near Stettin, setting the annular kiln on its triumphal...
The robust, patented vereta high-temperature moisture sensor AFS-HT300, which measures absolute moisture levels according to the dew-point principle,...
The Haba Company in Steyr, Austria, has come up with a promotional banderole for palletized products – and filled a market gap in the process. Wrapped...
Clays constitute some of the most complex naturally found blends of minerals. They are composed of varying fractions of different clay minerals, but...
The Republic of India has one of the world‘s most strongly expanding economies. Presumably, India will also be the most populous country on earth by...
The solid brick is the brickmaker’s archetypal product. A simple product, although its actual production is anything but simple. The solid brick has...