Solar Keymark for 2Power by Nelskamp

Nelskamp's "2Power" combination solar module for heat and power has been awarded the European quality label "Solar Keymark" for efficiency. Even on small roofs, 2Power can efficiently generate heat and power at the same time, because it unites photovoltaic and solar-thermal technology.

How it works
In the summer sun, photovoltaic modules can heat up to 80 degrees Celsius. This energy is used to heat both, utility water and water for domestic use. With 2Power this is achieved by means of a solar fluid that flows through a full-surface heat exchanger underneath the module. This HX absorbs the heat and collects it in a multivalent solar stratified heat storage unit for a doubly positive effect. In addition to generating electricity, the system also extracts heat from the incoming solar radiation. At the same time, it cools the module and increases the power yield. As a rule of thumb: The cooler the PV module, the more electricity it generates.

Easy installation
All solar-fluid connecting lines are fitted with pneumatic-type hose connectors that plug into each other without need of tools – clearly advantageous for working on a roof.
Each 2Power module has four connectors (two each for supply and return). The tubing is connected up according to the Tichelmann principle of equal resistance. The end of the supply line/return line is closed off with a blanking plug. Each row of modules (not more than 6 modules per row) is connected to the incoming and outgoing tubing by means of self-fastening hoses with standard couplings for joining them to the supply and return lines.
Each 2Power array has its own temperature sensor, and another is installed in the heat accumulator. The latter feeds onto the solar controller that governs the 2Power system.


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