Raw material highlights for the brick and tile industry

The brick clays from Northern Sumatra,
Republic of Indonesia

The earthquake and tsunami on 26 December 2004 in the Aceh region on Sumatra, Republic of Indonesia, caused devastating destruction and damage to building structures. Reconstruction necessitates the supply of large volumes of traditional building materials such as masonry bricks. As part of a technical cooperation project, selected brick clay pits were qualitatively characterized and assessed with regard to the optimization of technological parameters. The tests conducted characterize the raw materials on the one hand as highly innovative in ceramic terms, but also as extremely sensitive and prone to defects in ceramic drying and firing processes. For a technical and technological new start and the set-up of modern brick production, mineralogic-al additions to the raw material basis are necessary. In particular, phyllosilicate opening materials are needed.

1 Introduction

The earthquake and tsunami on 26 December 2004 caused devastating destruction and damage to building structures in the province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD), on Northern Sumatra, in the Republic of Indonesia. Rebuilding necessitates the availability of large volumes of building materials. In particular for the construction of basic low-cost housing, so far only traditionally made masonry bricks have been used. These are used almost exclusively for infilling concrete frameworks to form walls in a “one brick lengthways” method of construction »2. In this region, bricks are...

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