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Issue 07/2014

Fritz Höger Award 2014 presented to outstanding brick architecture worldwide

On 19 September 2014, the winning projects were presented with the Fritz Höger Award 2014 at the German Architecture Centre in Berlin. With 504 submitted and more than 70 nominated projects, the...


Fritz Höger Award 2014 presented to outstanding brick architecture worldwide

On 19 September 2014, the winning projects were presented with the Fritz Höger Award 2014 at the German Architecture Centre in Berlin. With 504 submitted and 87 nominated projects, the Brick...

Issue 01/2021

Fritz Höger Award 2020 for Brick Architecture

The Fritz Höger Award for Brick Architecture invites designers to showcase the entire architectural potential of the clay building material. Awarded for the fifth time this year, it honours the best...

Issue 05/2022 Fritz Höger Prize for Brick Architecture

Renowned architecture prize enters the future with a new name

At its annual general meeting, the Initiative Bauen mit Backstein decided to give its competition for outstanding brick architecture a new name. The decision was made on the basis of a new, specially...
