“Building with bricks” as an answer to the crisis

The year 2010 was marked by a generally ailing demand for products and services in the construction sector. The construction industry, which registered a considerable upswing during the last cycle of expansion and was able to increase its production capacity substantially both in respect of building materials as well as completed buildings, is now –more than other industries – facing a decline in orders.

With the commitment of the companies in the industry to research and development, however, the performance of building products and systems has been enhanced. This is a natural development of the market. Then on the basis of fair competition, the increased demands of the end-consumers are to be fulfilled and innovative products and solutions offered to them. The features of these new products are that they can be worked faster and used more flexibly, as well as providing more safety and comfort, saving costs and protecting the environment. The clay brick has held and even consolidated its position within the product range of building materials by adapting brilliantly – sometimes in competition with other building materials, sometimes in symbiosis with other products – to the requirements of the consumers and the ever stricter regulations of the authorities. Decisions concerning energy and environmental policy, globalization and living standards make it necessary today to keep pace with developments and to offer efficient and reliable solutions with the development of new products and integrated building systems. The bricks of the latest generation meets these requirements and at the same time perform a series of important functions: they lend structure, are energy-saving and environmentally friendly, provide safety in the case of fire and high living comfort. Further advantages result from the aesthetic aspects as well as building and maintenance costs – aspects that are unfortunately often neglected in comparisons with different building materials.

The most important innovations in masonry bricks include the optimization of the geometries of masonry blocks (thin partition and non-load-bearing walls), high-precision ground bricks, which simplify use and reduce heat bridges, as well as the use of reinforced structures for improving earthquake safety. In roofing tiles the key innovations include large-size roofing tiles and pantiles, tiles with hybrid geometries, ­aerated roofs and the integration of elements for the utilization of solar energy. With regard to floor elements and perforated bricks, the innovations include channels for laying cables and lines, increased refractoriness, more accurate building systems and higher flexibility in potential applications. But the “classical” product types are also maximizing quality thanks to ongoing further development and optimization of their performance.

Let’s forget about sales figures of the recent past. The Italian clay brick and tile industry is perfectly prepared for the new challenges, which on the one hand are marked by a noticeable reduction in volume but also a clear push towards higher quality products and performance guarantees. In this connection, consideration is also given to the protection of resources, environmental protection and an awareness of the well-being and the health of the individuals.


Luigi Di Carlantonio
President of Andil (Association of the Italian Clay Brick and Tile Industry)

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