Ceremonial inauguration at Pobeda LSR in St Petersburg

On 12 December 2012, OAO Popeda LSR, a member of the LSR group in St Petersburg, celebrated the start-up of a new backing brick plant. At the symbolic touch of a button in the robotic unloading installation Mr Gavrilov, Director of Pobeda LSR, put the plant into operation. In the presence of the plant management as well as local officials and press representatives, the plant was handed over to the operators by Mr Andreas Lingl, Managing Director of Hans Lingl GmbH & Co. KG, and the Lingl Russia project team.

During the following tour through the plant the visitors could convince themselves of the scope and the capability of this new brick factory which enables very flexible production of various types of wall bricks within the range of 2 NF (standard brick equivalent) up to pored large-size blocks of 14.3 NF meeting the latest product quality requirements according to European standards. At a later date the plant will be equipped with Lingl’s ­Turbo 2 grinding centre.

In addition to supply of various individual machines, this plant is the second complete brick factory built by Lingl for Pobeda LSR.


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