Feldhaus Klinker hosts 2017 student field trip
On 28 and 29 November, students and industry partners from the brick and tile industry and its suppliers will meet in Bad Laer. Led by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Schäffer from Koblenz University of Applied Sciences, Department of Materials Engineering, Glass and Ceramics, Höhr-Grenzhausen, and Prof. Dr. W. Krcmar, Georg Simon Ohm University of Technology, Nuremberg, students from different semesters will find out about career opportunities in the clay brick and tile industry and its supplier sector.
Following two events in the clay roofing tile industry and a visit to a clay block plant, for the first time we shall be visiting a brick plant with the students. Feldhaus is regarded as innovative and pioneering in the branch. That was certainly one reason why we found it easy to find sponsors this year. Seven industry partners will support us in getting the young people enthusiastic about our industry. Besides our long-standing partners Grothe Rohstoffe GmbH & Co. KG, Hans Lingl Anlagenbau und Verfahrenstechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Opavsky Emailleschmelze & Glasurenfabrikation and Refratechnik Ceramics GmbH, Keller HCW is taking part again while VHV Anlagenbau GmbH and Petersen Service GmbH/Rehart GmbH will be new on board.
In addition to the no doubt fascinating tour of the plant, we shall be discussing fundamental principles and presenting news from the industry to the students. Our industry partners will present not only the range of products and services in their companies, but also their research activities and career opportunities. In the evening, the opportunity will be available to follow up on initial contacts and perhaps even discuss cooperation.
Our thanks go to Feldhaus Klinker and our industry partners, who are co-financing this event. This year’s field trip will again provide a fantastic opportunity to attract well-educated and dedicated future managers into the brick and tile industry.
We are looking forward to the forthcoming field trip and will, of course, be reporting on the event. If you are interested in supporting us in 2018, either as a host or industry partner, just ring me on: + 49 5241 80-89264.
Anett Fischer
Editor of Zi Brick and Tile Industry International