First Online Masonry Conference

Well over 300 people took part in the first Online Masonry Conference in March 2021, an event co-organized by Ziegelwerke Bellenberg, Klosterbeuren, Deisendorf, Hörl & Hartmann Ziegeltechnik and Südwest Ziegel. Focus was on the building-physics-related and legal aspects of the future of window ventilation in residential building in connection with Germany’s new Buildings Energy Act (GEG).

Key new additions to the Buildings Energy Act (GEG) for newbuilds as well as requirements for existing buildings are pushing the topic of ventilation into the focus of planners, building contractors and building trade professionals. Needs and preferences of the contracting building owners on the one hand along with the codes of practice with the associated responsibility of planners and those trades involved in building execution on the other can lead to conflicts in interest in the field. While building owners value low-cost construction and minimized technology in their homes, planners are obliged to deliver a functioning building structure. This in turn means the execution of building work in compliance with the codes of practice.


Relevance of digital further training

Ulrich Eix, a lawyer specializing in construction and architectural law at the law firm of Lutz Abel, advocated a certain caution against placing complete faith in DIN standards by explaining the differences between DIN standards and codes of practice from a legal perspective, and presented approaches for resolving conflicts.

Stefan Horschler, owner of firm specializing in construction physics, explained how, contrary to common assumptions, a ventilation concept in housing construction is not necessarily contingent on DIN 1946-6. In fact, ventilation through windows is completely feasible from a technical perspective. Working from the new GEG, he presented the basic principles of ventilation and drafting of a ventilation concept with reference to numerous calculations and examples.

In the round of talks moderated by Jochen Lang, Managing Director of Akademie der Ingenieure AkadIng GmbH to conclude the conference, questions asked by the participants with regard to construction, standards and legal perspectives were discussed and answered.


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