Market trends in the European Brick and Tile Industry
The clay brick and roofing tile industry in Europe is currently experiencing a modest interim high. Many companies are considerably more optimistic than even a few years ago. The reasons for this, underpinned with figures and facts on the key market trends, are explained in the following market report.
1 Introduction
The economic development of the clay brick and roofing tile industry is influenced to a large extent by housing construction and the number of completed homes. »1 shows a current forecast by Euroconstruct on the development of construction demand in Europe up to the year 2021. The years 2015 to 2017 were good for the clay brick and roofing industry measured on the high increase rates in housing construction. In 2018, a first slowdown began. Civil engineering, on the other hand, is again showing great momentum. According to Euroconstruct, the number of home completions will...