Paper or internet – is that the crucial question?

Which medium is the best for getting information? This is not an easy question to answer, we all draw on different sources: the internet is the fast way to get information, but there are almost endless possibilities to choose from. To get in-depth information on a subject, then we turn to a book or technical journal. And anyone having to travel a lot may like to have everything on their tablet.

Zi Brick and Tile Industry International is read all around the world, it is a select and highly specialized journal. Up to now, ten times a year, you have been able to read the news from the sector and well-researched technical articles by acknowledged specialists in our journal. But is that enough in our fast-moving world?

An 8-page technical report with formulae, graphics and tables is something you may prefer to study on paper, so you can add comments, underline important points, and if necessary leaf back and forwards to compare. But the news that company A has taken over company B, on the other hand, is something you would want to know straight away.

As we want to give you both in future – up-to-the-minute news and in-depth information – we are starting 2014 with an improved concept!

In eight print issues published at regular intervals over the year, we not only offer you the latest research findings, fascinating plant profiles and revealing interviews, but also information on standards, products and market development worldwide.

In nine newsletters published between the regular issues we shall also provide you with additional information on current topics in the industry. This gives you more information faster. In addition, the feature newsletters published parallel to the print journals provide a first overview of the highlights of the new Zi.

If you don’t yet receive our newsletter, then you can ­order it quickly and easily on our homepage ­//" target="_blank" >

We are keen to know what you think of our new concept! I look forward to hearing your views and tips on further improving Zi!

I wish us all a successful New Year!

Yours Anett Fischer
Editor of Zi Brick and Tile Industry International

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