German entrepreneur leads Europe's brick and tile makers

The Federal Association of the German Brick and Tile Industry (BVZI) has congratulated Murray Rattana-Ngam on his election as the new president of the European brick and tile association "Tiles and Bricks Europe" (TBE) by press release. At the beginning of June, the TBE General Assembly had unanimously appointed the managing partner of the brickworks Bellenberg Wiest to the leadership of the association. The new TBE President succeeds Miroslav Jaroszewicz (Poland). BVZi President Stefan Jungk congratulated him warmly: "With Murray Rattana-Ngam, one of the most distinguished brick experts from our ranks is stepping up as a sovereign interlocutor vis-à-vis the European institutions in Brussels. For years he has successfully championed the competitiveness of our largely medium-sized industry in the European and global market and is a strong advocate of climate-friendly brick production."

Brick industry ready for constructive cooperation with the EU

For Rattana-Ngam, there is no question that these and other goals cannot be achieved in conflict, but only in cooperation. According to the press release, he said: "We have many big tasks to solve nationally and at the European level. An enormous challenge for the European brick industry, for example, is the EU's 'Fit for 55' plan, which aims to reduce net CO2 emissions by no less than 55 per cent by 2030."

Brick industry relies on open, realistic dialogue

For such challenges, all forces would have to be combined. "The European brick industry" promised Murray Rattana-Ngam, "will rise to the occasion and be a constructive partner for our counterparts in Brussels and Strasbourg. If necessary, we will point out undesirable developments and misjudgements. For only open, reality-based dialogue will bring us closer to the goals we have set."

The European Brick and Tile Association Tiles & Bricks Europe is based in Brussels and is a full member of the European Ceramics Industry Association Cerame-Unie. As an umbrella organisation, TBE represents the economic interests of associations and companies from 22 EU countries including Switzerland.

Thanks to predecessors - further development of the association's clout

Murray Rattana-Ngam is very much looking forward to working with his colleagues from Cerame-Unie. He is aware of the dimension of his responsibility. "A big thank you goes to my predecessor Miroslaw Jaroszewicz, who has been instrumental in developing our association's clout over the past six years," the new TBE President summed up.

Rattana-Ngam was born in Munich, studied mechanical engineering and spent many years working in Asia. Since November 2016, he has been Chairman of the Board of the Institut für Ziegelforschung Essen e.V. From June 2017, he held the post of TBE Vice President. Since February 2018, he has been managing partner of the Bellenberg Wiest brickworks in Bavaria.

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