Wienerberger launches production of highly insulative bricks in Ehingen

There is a lot of construction going on in Wienerberger‘s market hinterland in Baden-Württemberg and the Swabian Region, where high-quality Porotherm heavy clay products are gaining ground on other building materials.

To best exploit this growth potential, Hanover-based Wienerberger GmbH has invested some 900 000 EUR in the modernization of their newly acquired brick plant in Ehingen, Germany. Improved air conduction in the dryers and kilns reduced energy consumption by 25 to 30% and upped the plant‘s capacity from 100 million to 120 million standard-format units. Measures taken to optimize product quality now enable Wienerberger to produce innovative, highly insulative bricks and blocks like the Porotherm U9, T10 and T12 in Swabia. Twenty-one employees on shift work produce highly insulative, high-precision clay masonry units, and five additional workers attend to planning and dispatching.

This makes Wiener­berger’s 11th Porotherm plant in Germany. Prior to the Ehingen takeover, Wienerberger GmbH had no production facility of its own in Swabia.


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