+2.6 % new home completed in 2017
The positive trend that began in 2011 thus continued. A higher number of completed new homes was last registered back in the year 2002 (289 600).
Despite the decline in construction approvals in 2017 by 7.3 % compared with the previous year, the number of approved homes with 347 900 homes is still much higher than the number of completions. This led to an overhang of 653 300 approved but not yet completed homes. Even if it has been slowed down, the increase in the construction backlog persisting since 2008 continued and reached its highest value since 1999 (679 200).
Of the homes completed in 2017, 245 300 newbuild homes were in residential buildings (+4.1 % compared to 2016). This increase resulted from the completion of homes in apartment blocks (+6.7 %) and semi-detached homes (+5.1 %) as well as homes in residential halls (+16.2 %). The completion of homes in detached houses declined by 1.5 %.
With regard to new non-residential buildings in the year 2017, the enclosed space increased compared to 2016 by 4.4 % to 187.4 mill. m³. This increase can be attributed to an increase for non-public building owners (+ 4.8 % or + 7.8 mill. m³) and for public building owners (+1.3 % or +0.2 mill. m³).
DESTATIS | Statistisches Bundesamt