Current trends in the power and gas supply sector

In absolute terms, energy consumption in the brick and tile industry is relatively low in comparison with other energy intensive branches of industry such as steelmaking. However, the product-specific energy consumption is a major production factor. Most of the energy consumed in the brick and tile industry is gas and electricity. Current and future developments on the electricity and gas markets are therefore of decisive relevance for economic considerations in heavy clay companies. Consequently, this ­contribution takes a close look at current and future developments in the power and gas supply sector. In particular with regard to security of supply, the focus is on the power and gas networks.

1 The brick and tile industry in relation to the energy industry

A sector with roughly 130 production facilities and 9 500 employees, the German brick and tile industry is chiefly comprised of small and medium-sized enterprises. Brick and tile production and, hence, pertinent demand for the final energy demand, are strongly dependent on the economic situation in the building industry. »1 shows the time history of production and corresponding energy consumption [27]. Since 2005, final energy consumption in the brick and tile industry has been stagnating at roughly 25 PJ per year. That is roughly...

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