Energy conservation via optimized preparation and shaping
While preparation and shaping account for less than 5% of the overall energy consumption of a typical brickyard, their share of the plant‘s electric power consumption alone, though, comes to nearly 50%. Obviously, then, it is worth one’s while to exploit all possible means of energy conservation. There is, however, no Royal Road to an energy optimized plant. It takes numerous individual but coordinated, customer- and works-specific measures to achieve that. This contribution surveys new developments and trends and calls attention to an unending stream of innovations for opening up new ways to save energy.
1 Introduction
What really imposed the subject of energy conservation on us in the late 20th century was the first oil crisis in 1973. Ever since then, that key theme has been a permanent issue for all of us and simply refuses to die down in the brick and tile industry, particularly since everyone by now is aware...