Interview with Dr. Matthias Frederichs, Chief Executive Secretary, Federal German Association of the Brick and Tile Industry Regd

Target: Stronger representation of political interests

The German brick and tile industry‘s national association Bundesverband der Deutschen Ziegelindustrie (BV) has a new chief executive secretary, Dr. Matthias Frederichs, with whom we spoke about his set of goals and the challenges the branch is facing. One of his main points of endeavour, he says, will be to advance the association‘s advocacy work in the capital city. Along with a spate of professional issues, his agenda includes providing new impetus for public relations efforts on the part of brick and and roofing tile manufacturers.

Now that you have put in nearly half a year as chief executive secretary of Bundesverband der Deutschen Ziegelindustrie, which issues have you considered to be the most important during that time?

During the brief course of the handover process between my predecessor Martin Roth and myself, I had occasion to become personally acquainted with numerous brick and tile people. When talking to our members, I attached special importance to finding out “where the shoe pinches“, so to speak, i.e., how they think the association should go about its work, and what its priorities should be. At first, our...

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