Ülkü chooses Capaccioli as its trusted supplier
Despite the uncertain development of the Turkish market, Ülkü started collaborating with European companies and investing in automation systems and machinery of the latest generation back in the early 1990s.
The main objective of this company is to offer the best products to its customers, with an unrivalled quality/price ratio and an excellent after-sales service guaranteed by its team of qualified technicians. This objective links Ülkü with the Italian machine and plant production company Capaccioli S.r.l. In 2016, Ülkü and Capaccioli concluded an agreement on the supply of an ultra-rapid Condor dryer. This project has now been completed after just nine months. In the installation and operation of the Condor ultra-rapid dryer, Ülkü established the following significant advantages:
Low initial investment cost
Easy installation
Lower specific energy consumption (thanks to the installation of the Condor dryer, Ülkü has observed an electricity saving of 20 % and a carbon saving of 15 %)
Uncomplicated operation and maintenance (labour costs could be reduced by 15 % at Ülkü)
Versatility and quality of production
Dryer can be adapted to various types of fuel
According to Ülkü, the use of the Condor dryer is suitable not only for the Turkish market, but also for the Iranian and African markets because it has a simple and versatile structure and its speed allows the desired parameters to be reached to achieve perfect drying. It can also halve specific energy consumption. Ülkü has confirmed that its energy consumption is about 8–10 kW/h per tonne of fired product. Another advantage is that the initial investment costs are very low. With the use of the Condor dryer, Ülkü also had very lower installation costs.
And especially in countries with a predominantly warm climate it is not necessary to use the heat generator (which Capaccioli can, of course, include in the supply), because it is sufficient to recover the clean hot air coming from a kiln installed in the plant.
Ülkü daily produces 100 000 pieces from its portfolio of eight different types of tiles (about 300 t/day), and 180 000 pieces of 30 different types of bricks (about 500 t/day). Specifically, more than 50 % of the bricks produced are thermal (super-izo), the top of the range product, which has been certified by the association ITBAK. The super-izo produced by Ülkü allows an energy saving of 54 % and, thanks to the use of the ultra-rapid Condor dryer, it is lighter than the other thermal blocks on the market (»2).
Because of the positive results obtained with the Condor dryer, in March 2017 Ülkü showed its interest in a bucket excavator and chose Capaccioli as its trusted supplier again.
Thanks to the bucket excavator, Ülkü has noticed that the excavation process is more homogeneous and there is a considerable saving in labour compared to the old system.
The collaboration between Capaccioli and Ülkü does not end here, their common goal will lead them to work together again in the not too distant future.
Capaccioli S.r.l.