
Architecture photo | Architekturfoto

Room of silence

An unroofed brick pavilion stands in a clearing on the northern shore of Lake Wolletz in the Wolletz district of Angermünde. Completed in 2021, the building, designed by Berlin architect Prof Jan...


Events | Veranstaltungen

Review of the IZF Seminar 2024

The challenges of brick production and application were on the programme of the seminar held by the Institute for Brick and Tile Research Essen e. V. (IZF) last September. Around 50 members of the...


Company News | Firmennachrichten


Dear readers,

The situation in residential construction is serious: rising construction costs, persistently high interest rates, the back-and-forth in subsidy policy and a maze of regulatory requirements have...


Events | Veranstaltungen

Germany News


Personalia | Personalien

Michael Ruppik passed away

Dipl.-Ing. Michael Ruppik, former Director of the Institute for Brick and Tile Research (IZF), Managing Director of the Gesellschaft für Qualitätssicherung und Materialprüfung mbH (QsM) and Managing...


Technical Paper | Fachbeitrag