09.05.2011 News: Siemens opens training center for process instrumentation and analytics
Siemens Industry, Inc.(Siemens Industry USA) recently opened its process instrumentation and analytics training center in Houston, enabling the company to provide more hands-on courses in the fields of process instrumentation technology and applications to its customers in North America.
In courses lasting between two and four days, students gain a deep insight into the subjects of level management technologies, field instruments, flow technologies, including clamp-on flow technology, and industrial communications.
Simulated workstations are used to apply theoretical knowledge in practice.
Siemens Process Instrumentation and Analytics now has three training facilities in the U.S., with the majority of courses now being offered from the Houston facility, Hauppauge, N.Y., which focuses on clamp-on flow topics, and Spring House/Pennsylvania.
“Our learning centers are an important part of our strategy to provide customers with high-quality service, and ensure that each has the necessary knowledge base and practical training to maximize efficiencies from their Siemens products and solutions,” says Todd Gardner, vice president of sensors and communications for the Industry Automation division of Siemens Industry, Inc. Industry Automation USA “The addition of these courses, taught by field-proven and experienced trainers, is an extension of the Siemens commitment to maintain its role as a market leader in the field of process instrumentation.”
As home to a wide variety of industries including oil and gas, chemical and petrochemical, facilities management, food and beverage, water/wastewater, power generation, mining, cement and aggregates, the Houston area serves as an important base of operations for process analytics and process instrumentation measurement solutions.