29.04.2009: SEW-Eurodrive: Variolution packages reduce costs for system designers
With the new Variolution packages, SEW-Eurodrive supports system designers. This application package is the complete solution for any drive application – fast, comprehensive and complete with functional safety. Variolution packages not only contain quality SEW drive technology, but also include precisely tuned components such as sensors and cables. Variolution packages: the complete drive solution from one source
Due to the growth in Asian markets over the past few years, system designers have been experiencing increased pressure from competitors. In response to this pressure, designers have been forced to realize increasingly complex solutions in even shorter cycles, meaning a reduction in development time. European system designers must rely on innovation in the value creation process for customers in order to set themselves apart from the competition.
With the new Variolution packages, SEW-Eurodrive supports system designers – directly in the value-creation chain. The application package from SEW-Eurodrive provides the system designer with the complete solution for any drive application: drives, closed-loop control, motion control, software, functional reliability. The integrated software modules control the sequence of motion as a decentralized intelligence, reduce the workload for the higher-level control unit and reduce the need for programming. The Variolution software module has automatic load recognition, which enables it to adjust the sequences of motion to suit the load situation. This allows for the use of application-specific motion sequences and additional savings, such as energy-efficient operation and faster cycle times. Customer-specific modifications to the application packages optimize the function of the individual elements in the overall process of the system.
Optimized processes and additional functions can save money
These custom processes, offered as part of the SEW-Eurodrive application package, enable system designers to improve their own processes, especially in the areas of sales, logistics and receipt of goods. In this way, all individual parts of a Variolution package can be ordered as a single item. Delivery combines all components as well as software and documentation into a single shipment. These new logistics options also allow for deliveries to different addresses. Components of a particular application package are provided when and where they are needed.
The Variolution packages also include further potential savings because of their tried and tested functions and the warranty provided by SEW-Eurodrive. This way, system designers can ensure compliance with their machine requirements. This shortens development times and reduces engineering costs for each system.
Additional functions make Variolution packages unbeatable
The features of the individual application packages are not limited to the basic solution. The application modules developed for each application package are integrated at a local level. This enables shorter reaction times and allows the modules to operate independently of a central PLC. Parameters are easy to set, allowing for customer-specific startup without the need for programming. In order to cater to the high-performance systems of the customer, the application packages contain additional functions that offer the system designer additional sales arguments for the system. The application solution for storage and retrieval units has an optimized travel curve, which, together with a DC link connection, can lead to energy savings of up to 40%. Even the application package for static elevators from SEW-Eurodrive, the only solution package of its kind on the market, offers the customer an autonomous decentralized solution with a weight-optimized travel profile.
The Variolution packages are optimized to suit the particular requirements of the individual industry. In order to do this, we worked together with industry experts and end customers to analyze individual processes directly, to define the most important requirements for success and to translate these findings into the Variolution packages. This process ensures that the solutions in the package suit the requirements of the end customers and turns interface problems and costly repairs into a thing of the past.
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