Efficient clay grinding with cast-metal components
In any clay grinding process, efficiency is an important criterion. In that connection, cast grinding tools are tried and proven as robust and cost-effective. This contribution deals with the application ranges of various cast materials in the grinding of clay and discusses their respective properties in order to give users as optimal a choice of grinding tools as possible [1].
1 Introduction
In clay grinding, where costs and fracture safety are the primary selection criteria, most non-metallic mineral substances are comminuted using hard-wearing cast-metal components.
In the simplest case, rough grinding takes place in a pan mill, while most fine grinding is attended to in roller mills.
2 Grinding process
2.1 Coarse grinding
When clay is wet-ground in a pan mill, the cylindrical rolling elements revolve on a grinding track, or pan, breaking down the product by a combination of pressure (runner weight) and friction as they pass over it. The friction results from the...