A truncated pyramid with a twist, created by Basel-architects Herzog & de Meuron, now complements the huge Bankside Power Station on the south bank of the River Thames. This is the home, since the...
The brick architecture of its many historical buildings has been a characteristic feature in the city of Wroclaw for centuries. „Corte Verona“, an innovative residential building project, takes up...
The Algerian brick industry continues to rely on the refractory systems of Refra-technik Ceramics. The Refra-technik Ceramics products are technologically tailored to the needs of the Algerian...
Trend Industrial Ceramics has developed a new material for high-performance kiln components for the heavy clay sector and received the first positive feedback from key users. “We have developed a...
At the beginning of 2016, the Poulina Group, one of the most important industrial groups in Tunis, decided to get involved in the heavy clay sector and build a new brickworks at the forefront of...
Händle presented their latest technical development to a select circle of customers in November 2017. According to Managing Director Gerhard Fischer, Nova III not only marks the beginning of a new era...
To be able to concentrate more on pitched roofs in future, Creaton AG has parted from its Facades division. Since the end of December, the ceramic facade tiles have been produced and sold under the...
Many of you already know: as of the beginning of 2018, the Federal Association of the German Brick and Tile Industry Regd. has been based directly in the centre of Berlin. With our move, we are...
Construction volume in the Euroconstruct area has grown by an estimated 3.5 % in 2017. The strongest stimuli once again came from residential construction. Developments in 2017 are remarkable for two...
The 2017 annual meeting of the ECTS Group (European Ceramic Technology Suppliers) was held in Barcelona on 19 and 20 October. ECTS brings together European suppliers of machines and services for the...
To strengthen the Keller Division to meet future challenges, Legris Industries has appointed Uwe Hartmann as CEO and Stefan Reichert as COO.Uwe Hartmann joined Keller in 1999 and has very successfully...
The Federal German Association of the Brick and Tile Industry (BV) has a new General Secretary: as of 1 October 2017, Dr. Matthias Frederichs joined the General Secretariat and has performed the...
In the run-up to ceramitec, the trade fair is again enjoying excellent popularity among exhibitors.Over four days, some 600 exhibitors from around the globe will present their complete range of ...
The 26th Tecnargilla, one of the world’s most important international exhibitions for the ceramic and heavy clay industries, will be held from 24 to 28 September 2018 at the Rimini exhibition...
AMA (Advanced Mobile Applications) is offering a “See what I see” solution based on smart glasses. As an application for smart glasses from different manufacturers, Xpert Eye allows a faraway observer...
Over the past few years, mine surveying with the aid of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) has emerged as a novel mapping technique in which drones are used to obtain images for photogrammetric analysis...
In many industrial sectors, the criteria to be met by conveying systems are becoming more demanding and specific and may even require appropriate documentation. The mechatronic industrial gear unit...
Pacadu-controlled power storage devices by ASD Automatic Storage Device GmbH are especially well suited for service in industrial environments, because they can be designed to meet any and all...
Talleres Felipe Verdés S.A. has been building equipment for both wet and dry preparation of raw materials for many years. This article describes the possibilities especially for Russian brick plants...
Responding to an invitation by Feldhaus Klinker in Bad Laer to come and get lots of professional information and career tips, more than 40 students, postgraduates and their tutors took part in the...
When it comes to change processes, managers often feel forgotten and forsaken by their own superiors. As such processes progress from phase to phase, they do not know what behaviour to expect from...
This paper is the last of four articles dealing with kiln settings in terms of pressure drop, flow distribution, convective heat transfer and optimal configuration, as well as with the boundary...
The 56th Würzburg Brick and Tile Training Course, held on 5 through 7 December 2017, attracted some 190 participants to LGA Würzburg (Bavarian state institute of trade and industry, Würzburg branch)...