12.01.2010 News: Swissbau 2010: Because a knowledge edge is half the battle won
From 12 to 16 January 2010, Basel is once again acting as the capital city and chief rendezvous for the construction and real estate industries. Way above 100,000 visitors from the fields of planning, investment, real estate, the construction trade, education and research are expected this time round too. Under the motto “Building the Future of Switzerland”, some 1200 exhibitors from 21 countries are presenting their latest products and exciting research results over a surface area of 140,000 m2.
In terms of content, Swissbau 2010 is focusing on the topics of sustainable construction and energy efficiency. Swissbau is thus, once again, playing a key role as a launching pad for innovations and new products. The official opening on 12 January 2010 in the Congress Center Basel will be setting the initial tone. The motto of this event, with Federal President Doris Leuthard and representatives from politics and business, is “Energy Efficiency: a Catchword or Reality?”
Two major premieres
With way above 100,000 professional visitors and private individuals interested in real estate expected to attend, Swissbau is once again the undisputed leading exhibition in Switzerland and the most important rendezvous for the sector, with a European reach. It will be featuring key premieres in two specialist areas this year: firstly, with Swissbau Real Estate, the real-estate industry will now be firmly linked in, making Swissbau the first exhibition to depict the entire added-value process for a building (development, planning, construction, management) under a single roof. Secondly, in the newly-designed Bathroom Trends section, visitors will be able to experience the bathrooms of the future firsthand. The branch leaders will be presenting their latest concepts and designs over more than 6000 m2 in a delightful ambiance and will be highlighting the bathroom as a special part of our living space and a regeneration point.
Three special shows that get straight to the point
The special show on Global Building offers comprehensive insight into the topic of sustainable building. Six themed isles show professional visitors everything of importance for sustainable building – from project development and planning, via construction, operation, maintenance and renovation, right through to dismantling and recycling. The Woodstock special show then follows on seamlessly from this, with the prototype of a three-storey, energy-efficient house erected directly on Exhibition Square. Woodstock shows the very latest technology on a scale of one-to-one. This is then rounded off in the ideal fashion by the EnergieSchweiz special show. Here, construction experts and planners can find everything of importance relating to initial and further training in the energy field. House owners can seek neutral advice on how to renovate their home and make it energy efficient.
A place of inspiration and networking
Alongside its importance as an information platform, Swissbau offers interested parties the opportunity, at a large number of accompanying events and meeting points, to engage in discussions and to let themselves be inspired by leading representatives from Switzerland and abroad.
Everything under a single roof: clearly set out and easy to find
Despite its size and diversity, Swissbau is clearly structured, ensuring you can easily find your way around. The individual halls focus on specific topics, with “Building shells” in Hall 1, “Interior finishing” in Hall 2, “Technology + building site” in Halls 3 and 5, and “Concept + planning” in Hall 4.
New: swissbau24.ch
The interactive online exhibitor directory at www.swissbau24.ch contains the full range of information on exhibitors, innovations, products and brands.
MCH Messe Schweiz (Basel) AG
Postfach I 4005 Basel I Switzerland
T +41 58 206 22 57I F +41 58 206 21 88